Is A Short Squeeze Coming For Mentor Capital (MNTR)?

MNTR Stock, Mentor Capital Inc., Chester Billingsley, HempCon Inc.,For 4 months prior to Friday’s trading session, investors could have picked up shares of Mentor Capital, Inc. (MNTR) for anywhere between 0.40 and 0.15. The significance of that is because it was 4 months ago when the Company publicly stated they initiated investing in the Medical Marijuana market. Although they repeated their intentions again in October, it wasn’t until Friday afternoon when the revenue-less firm stated that HempCon, Inc. was their first acquisition that MNTR stock finally got loaded into the chamber and smoked every other penny stock on the OTC for over 1,000% worth of intraday gains.

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Market Cap: 12.19M
Last: 1.90 ▲ +1.679 (+759.73%)
Volume: 943,992
Dollar Volume: $1,436,057
Open: 0.25
High: 2.90
Low: 0.25
Trades: 1,047
Authorized: 400,000,000
Issued and Outstanding: 6,419,312
14-Day Rel Strength: 83.18%
1st Resistance Point: 3.1167
1st Support Level: 0.4667

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After reviewing today’s announcement from Mentor Capital’s CEO, Chester Billingsley, it’s hard to think that MNTR stock can’t achieve the “$4.82” share price he reverse calculates as he defines the “Cannabis Cancan” as the pump and dump activity that the securities agencies have warned about for the public marijuana sector. While MNTR stock has been directly connected to the other marijuana stocks since their September 30, 2013 announcement, nothing happened until mid-day Friday when their acquisition of the medical marijuana convention company which hosted hemp industry pioneers at the San Jose Convention Center this weekend.

In March, 2013, Mentor Capital announced that its portfolio company, Brighter Day Health, LLC, after a period of aggressive growth, reports it is ahead of budget and turning the corner to profitable operation. Brighter Day projects a before-tax profit of $1.0 Million for the next full fiscal year and $400,000 profit for the remainder of 2013. This positions the company for a planned 2015 exit seeking to match the market typical multiple of 12x-17x.

However, reviewing the September 30, 2013 financial statements fr Mentor Capital, they had cash on hand, $138,817, but $0 revenues to report. This just goes to show that income statements are worthless when words marijuana or cannabis are connected together with an OTC stock. Only a select few will survive, PHOT and CBIS are 2 hat come to mind, when the haze wears off, but the imminent short squeeze of MNTR coupled with their very well re-designed website should allow for further gains this week until a Seeking Alpha article gets published to counter act the momentum.

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About MNTR Stock

Mentor Capital, Inc., is a pinksheet listed development stage company that, by acquisition or stock purchase, seeks to invest in leading-edge private and public cancer focused companies, and certain other situations.

Click here to view the financial filings for MNTR on OTCMarkets.
Click here to view the website for Mentor Capital.

Last 5 Trading Sessions:

Date Open High Low Last Change % Change Volume
01/17/14 0.2500 2.9000 0.2500 1.9000 +1.6790 +759.73% 943,900
01/14/14 0.2210 0.2210 0.2210 0.2210 -0.0540 -19.64% 3,000
01/13/14 0.2750 0.2750 0.2750 0.2750 unch unch 1,300
01/10/14 0.2750 0.2750 0.2750 0.2750 +0.0530 +23.87% 1,000
01/09/14 0.2550 0.2550 0.2220 0.2220 +0.0010 +0.45% 10,700


Bottom Line:

One of our favorite traders nearly slapped the ask of MNTR at 0.32 but decided to read the PR first. Unfortunately for him, the penny stock already grew wings and wet way beyond the levels any veteran trader would be willing to pay for a pinksheet PR play. At the very least, MNTR stock has thrown itself into the dozen or so list of marijuana stocks to be played from here on out which means tracking it for swings is worth the effort (but not until it returns back to earth).

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