Penny Stock Trading 101: Attitude is Key to Winning

After scanning a large number of emails, message boards, news articles, some chart screens and just an overall feeling about how fresh and clean today is with the scent of apple pie in the air, you pinpoint the OTC stocks your trading today. Then, shares in that hot penny stock you placed a buy order on 30 minutes ago are now down 45% and with so many ...

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Make Money 101: How to be a Cautious Penny Stock Trader

“Adults are just kids with Money.”  Everyone has seen the bumper sticker at least once during their time stuck in rush hour traffic. The irony of it is how it really does apply to everyone who invests in penny stocks looking for that $500 investment to go to $5,000. The dreamer inside novice penny stock traders can cause for some of the most costly ...

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5 Penny Stock Trading Principles to Follow

How to avoid the “AMWI effect” on your penny stock trading……..

Penny Stock trading involves isolating noise from the current trend and capitalizing on that trend through well-timed entries and profit taking. These factors play a critical part in mastering potential profit expectations and risk. Penny Stock trading does have many challenges but by sticking to clear rules, success is much more probable. Since the market always moves ...

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