Stock Alerts Out On NextGen Cannabis Consulting LLC (NGMC)

NGMC Stock, Next Generation Management Corp., The penny stock which once called itself the “national leader in the multi-billion dollar direct mail industry”, Next Generation Management Corp. (NGMC), is due to see its highest volume trading session since entering into the medical marijuana industry. Having been a total let down since announcing the creation of NextGen Cannabis Consulting LLC, their wholly owned subsidiary, NGMC stock has not been ...

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Is Nextgen Cannabis Consulting (NGMC) A Good Buy?

NGMCBecoming Nextgen Cannabis Consulting, LLC was a surefire way to get some much needed attention to the penny stock of Next Generation Energy Corp. (NGMC). When the independent oil and natural gas company reported $394 worth of royalty income for the 3 months ended September 30, 2013, it was no surprise that NGMC stock had the pulse of a corpse until they mentioned marijuana as their redirection of what ...

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