PWEI | APS Re-Pumping PacWest Equities Is A Real Shocker

PWEI Stock, PacWest Equities, Awesome Penny StocksThe premium subscribers to Awesome Penny Stocks got handed a lump of coal well in advance of Christmas today when they announced that PacWest Equities Inc. (PWEI) was their newest pick. Pumped already last year by their affiliates at Victory Mark, re-pumping the pinksheet listed PWEI stock is more like putting all three in your stink ...

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PLLX | The Ghosts In The Machine Gobble Up Pollex Gains

PLLX Stock, Pollex Inc., Stock Mister, Awesome Penny StocksIf only you had the luck to have picked up some shares in the penny stock of Pollex, Inc. (PLLX) like old Ralphy by did, you would be the Stock Mister of the day. Having loaded up on shares last week for around $150 a round, shares of PLLX stock, which had been a ...

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XUII | APS Joins Victory Mark To Help Pump Xumanii Stock

XUII Stock, OTC XUII, PINK XUII, XUII scam, XUII stock, Xumanii Inc., Xumanii Stock,The 0.0001% chance that APS did not roll with African Copper Corp. (OTC: ACCS) came through as they decided to help their failed affiliates from Victory Mark pump the penny stock of Xumanii Inc. (OTC: XUII). Crushing the dreams of ACCS stock ever becoming a ...

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ACCS | Is African Copper The Next Awesome “Pumpen” Stock?

ACCS Stock, ACCS Stock Quote, ACCS Stock Review, African Copper CorporationToday is the official launch date of what already appears to be AwesomePennyStocks’ new penny stock alert of the month: African Copper Corporation (OTC: ACCS). Changing their name and ticker from the Carrillo Huettel, LLP incubated New York Tutor Company (NWYT), ACCS stock is already being sent out ...

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GOFF | APS And Crew Fail Miserably To Revive Goff Corp.

GOFF, GOFF scam, GOFF Stock Scam, GOFF Stock, GOFF Stock Scam, GOFF CorpCalling for a “Triple” minutes after gaining 7% in early trading today, the pumpers behind the penny stock of Goff Corporation (GOFF), Degroupa Tenner Morales Media Corp., need to either put up or shut up. Trading has now dragged on into the 23rd completed session with GOFF stock ...

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AwesomePennyStocks | What To Expect This Time Around

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, we wrote an article titled: AwesomePennyStocks | What To Expect When You’re Expecting. The idea behind it was to inform traders getting in front of the next Awesome Penny Stocks pick and how to trade it correctly after the actual alerts were issued without getting caught with your pants down. Well, we’re here to update that with the picks since that article was written and ...

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SWVI | Swingplane Ventures New Highs Will Never Reach $3

SWVI Stock, Swingline Ventures, Awesome Penny Stocks, SWVI scamPathetic! That’s the only word to describe the latest ploy by Awesome Penny Stocks to attempt to pump up the penny stock of Swingplane Ventures, Inc. (SWVI). The latest email alert from the group has made attempts to compare the price performance possibilities ...

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Swingplane Ventures (OTC: SWVI) – Buy, Sell Or Hold?

SWVI Stock, Swingline Ventures, Awesome Penny StocksThe newest pick of Awesome Penny Stocks is due to come out on Tuesday and speculators are already thinking it could be Swingplane Ventures Inc. (SWVI). A start up copper miner in Chile, SWVI stock would be the third pump and dump from the APS crew in the last 12 months that had “Venture” in the Company ...

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FARE | The World Moto Meter Is Running — Buy, Sell Or Hold?

FARE Stock, FARE stock Price, World Moto, World Moto Stock, World Moto ThailandIt’s been a year now since the penny stock world got to know about Harry and the anomaly of a long term run on a Company which had nothing in its wheelhouse but PR, hard mailers and email alerts. Yep, a year ago was when North Springs Resources (NSRS) began its 29 trading session ...

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FARE | Crash Helmets Advised If Trading World Moto Inc.

FARE Stock Crash, FARE, FARE Stock, World Moto Stock, FARE Stock ScamOne day left until the end of the world? Perhaps not, but those not wearing their crash test helmets at today’s open are risking a traumatic experience with the penny stock of World Moto Inc. (FARE). Sure the PR is flowing out, as are the emails, the banners are still flying, but ...

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