Penny Stock Trading | LVVV And PFNI Survive SVEN And PBCW

PumpThe two remaining “big money” promos out there now that the pump and dump of Superior Ventures (SVEN) and Pub Crawl Holdings (PBCW) have crashed like meteors are still plugging away at gains. Shares of Livewire Ergogenics Inc. (LVVV) are still pumped off their energy chews having gained Continue Reading →


SVENT | Superior Ventures’ Inferior Stock Promotion Destroyed

SVEN, SVEN stock, PBCW, PBCW stock, Awesome Penny StocksIt’s official — the penny stock pump and dump on Superior Venture Corp. (SVEN) and Pub Crawl Holdings Inc. (PBCW) have again raped the investor. Yesterday’s slide on both the SVEN scam and PBCW scam ran almost simultaneously to the point where some traders were assuming it was a ...

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