No Rainbows In The Future For Vapor Hub Intl (VHUB)

VHUB Stock, $VHUB, #VHUB, VHUB Stock Scam, VHUB scam,The warning signs penny stock traders look for are beginning to circle around Vapor Hub International Inc. (VHUB) to such an extent that holding overnight this week could be one of the most costly mistakes made. Having just completed it’s fourth run since the initial dumping of VHUB stock back on April 10, a Seeking Alpha contributor’s article which was ...

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PUNL | The New Heavy Weight Champion Of The OTC — Not

PUNL Stock, Punchline Resources, Punchline Entertainment, PUNL Scam, PUNL alertThe penny stock of Punchline Resources Ltd. (PUNL) has taken a swing that only Chris Brown’s lovers or Mike Tyson’s opponents have been able to take. Ever since the plunge on September 25th, PUNL stock had remained relatively lucid having even gained 100% off its September 26th low of .25. Today however ...

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PRTN | Now That The Plug Is Pulled On Pristine Solutions…

GERS stock, GreenShift Corp.Now that APS has pulled the plug on Pristine Solutions (PRTN) after they took their own medicine, Tropine 3, for just over a one month hot flash, traders are scouring around for a new buy-low, sell high penny stock to watch. SMA didn’t help things much with the pricing of their former turned mining company, Santo Mining Corporation ...

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PUNL | Punchline Gets Donkey Punched And Hung Out To Dry

PUNL Stock, Punchline Resources, Punchline Entertainment, PUNL Scam, PUNL alertShareholders in the penny stock of Punchline Resources Ltd. (PUNL) have not only been “Donkey Punched”, but they’ve put in a barrel and rolled off a cliff. From the people who brought out Independence Energy and took them to over $4.70 in June, PUNL stock is getting beat like a read-headed step child on ...

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PUNL | Punchline Resources Continuing To Create New Highs

PUNL Stock, Punchline Resources, Punchline Entertainment, PUNL Scam, PUNL alertWith Bernanke basically effectuating QE3, Gold’s spike on Friday to 1,780.20 is only helping to fuel the penny stock of Punchline Resources Ltd. (PUNL). The recently converted junior miner, previously focused on coin operated wannabe Mike Tyson punching machines, has seen PUNL stock rise to a new high again Friday. After the market closed Friday, they updated ...

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PUNL | Punchline Pulls No Punches, Already Samples Property

PUNL Stock, PUNL scam, Punchline ResourcesWithout wasting anytime, Punchline Resources Ltd. (PUNL) already completed mapping and geochemical sampling of the Wonder Mine target at the Empress Project. PUNL stock has been mountain climbing since our alert at 0.96 on August 24th. It seems like it was just Friday of last week ...

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PUNL | Punchline Leads All Penny Stocks In Dollar Volume

PUNL Stock, PUNL scam, Punchline ResourcesIf you own shares in a penny stock at 0.96 and they just has their highest volume trading session since to close up 60% from where you bought, do you sell? Considering that Punchline Resources Ltd. (PUNL) just landed 13th today in dollar volume ranking for ...

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Top Penny Stocks | September’s First Big Week For Trading

NGHT, NGHT StockThe first full week of trading in September should kickoff a heck of a lot better than the Miami Dolphins football season did. Rumor has it that TBX was in Houston scalping tickets prior to the game after they struck out trying to score on Saturday Night at the Crystal Method show organized by NightCulture. APS was rumored to be there as well supposedly ...

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PUNL | Pick Up Your Skirt And Grab Some Punchline Shares

PUNL Stock, PUNL scam, Punchline ResourcesIt’s now one week since our initial alert on Punchline Resources (PUNL), fka Punchline Entertainment, and the penny stock has gained 31.25%. The daily percentage gains on PUNL stock may not be something that changes the color of the sky for many, but ...

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