While Neologic Animation Inc. (NANI) continues to alert the public of their business plan, their penny stock continues to drop from its Jun 27 0.191 high. NANI stock price was 0.086 when we first issued our alert on May 31 and watched it slowly rise to 0.191, a 122% gain. Since then, the news of Neologic Animation’s plans to take advantage of the boom in after school education is taking advantage of uninformed penny stock investors.
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NANI Stock Chart: 1 Month
Market Cap: 21.97M
Shares Outstanding: 162.73M
5 Day Pct Change: -17.18%
5 Day Moving Avg: 0.1344
5 Day Avg Volume: 314,414
Estimated to have grown to $29.65 Billion in 2009 with an 18.7% growth rate from 2009-2012, the Company is banking on investors seeing the potential in China’s growing under-12 population. However, Neologic’s “Naniya World” is nothing more than an idea at present and years away from actually becoming a functioning revenue model for the Company. Until that occurs, the Company will have no choice but to raise capital by selling equities to make that plan happen. Transalation: Dilution.
About NANI Stock
Neologic Animation Inc. is an educational software development and marketing company; currently developing a website to be marketed as “Naniya World” for primary school students in China. The website’s goal is to educate children how to develop and hone their creative skills through interactive educational games that incorporate Adobe Flash. The games incorporate a curriculum that has been developed by some of China’s top professors and child psychology experts. The Company’s mission is to inspire every child in China to become the best student they can possibly be by showing them that learning is fun.
Bottom Line: NANI is a penny stock to swing trade, if any trade at all. The time to make money on NANI stock was when we first alerted about it when it was new. Now that it has made the rounds in the promo circle, best you can hope for is a momentum session where you can swing a couple points out of it.
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