Just like a bunch of rotten fruits, the Mister trio threw the penny stock of Organic Alliance, Inc. (ORGC) under the bus today letting the very first trade executed to be the only one to actually make any real money. The struggling grower and marketer of organic fruits and vegetables like mangoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers needed to have their ORGC stock pumped like they need a hole in the head after coming off a terrible Q2 filing where sales dropped by -54% due to a cash flow crisis. Similar to what traders who jumped into this POS after the first trade, some spoilage to their portfolios is due to occur prior to 4PM EST today.
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ORGC Stock Quote
Market Cap: 646.56K
Last: 0.035 ▲ +0.0198 (+130.26%)
Volume: 1,945,133
Dollar Volume: $63,029
Open: 0.018
High: 0.0448
Low: 0.018
Trades: 132
Authorized: 100,000,000
Issued and Outstanding: 18,473,554
14-Day Rel Strength: 47.33%
1st Resistance Point: 0.0505
1st Support Level: 0.0237
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Coming off of 2 consecutive years where sales topped $1 million, $1,855,391 for the year ended December 31, 2012 and $1,004,176 for the year ended December 31, 2011, the low level of gross profits from those sales finally caught up with Organic Alliance. Ceasing their operations in May, 2013 due to lack of funds ($0 as of June 30, 2013), revenues took a huge hit in Q2 despite the 6 months ended numbers being slightly higher than they were for the same period in 2012: $981,205 versus $966,301.
Regardless of what happened in May, the closing of the sprinkler system and push-cart shippers, Organic Alliance made a push in advance of the $0 balance in cash to try to get something going. In April they issued a PR highlighting how U.S. families are increasing their intake of organic fruit and vegetables and how this could all benefit the Company as they have made an impression in the industry f the past few years.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other, Mister and his sisters, Fox and Joe decided that you, Joe Trader, would be able to eat some fertilizer by way of buying up some ORGC stock today. Known for 19 out of 20 picks to be 1-minute wonders, bags of rotten stock are still being dumped into the portfolios of traders that are gagging for a play, especially now that AwesomePennyStocks appears to really be retired. It’s too bad because it’s been a hard enough month to make a buck to not have to see more money get flushed down the toilet.
Then again, Psycho should be due to release another one of his 1-minute wonders within the next few sessions.
About ORGC Stock
Organic Alliance, Inc. was a global grower and marketer of organic and Fair Trade certified fruits and vegetables in the rapidly growing $29.2 billion U.S. natural, organic and Fair Trade foods marketplace.
Click here to view the SEC filings for ORGC.
Click here to view the website for Organic Alliance.
Last 5 Trading Sessions:
Date | Open | High | Low | Last | Change | % Change | Volume |
10/22/13 | 0.0180 | 0.0448 | 0.0180 | 0.0350 | +0.0198 | +130.26% | 1,945,133 |
10/21/13 | 0.0145 | 0.0152 | 0.0145 | 0.0152 | +0.0002 | +1.33% | 124,400 |
10/18/13 | 0.0150 | 0.0150 | 0.0150 | 0.0150 | +0.0080 | +114.29% | 22,000 |
10/16/13 | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0070 | 0.0070 | -0.0280 | -80.00% | 910,400 |
10/15/13 | 0.0350 | 0.0350 | 0.0350 | 0.0350 | +0.0050 | +16.67% | 7,700 |
Bottom Line:
The situation for those bagholders today of ORGC really stinks since there might not be another chance this year to get out above 0.035. It looked like Oranic Alliance was on track to have a great year again after shipping their first truckload of mangoes from their leased Mexican orchards in March, but since fruit has as short a shelf life as penny stocks do, ORGC stock is doomed for the 2’s it would appear. Yet another lesson in how to average down thanks to another StockMister pick which happens to not be as horrible as yesterday’s.
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