If Psycho’s pennystockalerts.com and dailypennystocks.com had a batting average, it would be under the Mendoza-line with a the majority of their track record being high popflys. Needless to say, the penny stock of Transact Energy Corp. (TEGY) fell into the wrong hands for making traders aware of their eventual look to book revenues off of their planned proprietary waste processing plant in Scotland. After TEGY stock allowed for two trades (as usual) on Thursday before the standard “gap and trap” peak-to-flatline trading session, unbeknownst newbie traders were sent back to the wolves for round 2 of “how to lose money trading off of Psycho’s alerts.
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TEGY Stock Quote
Market Cap: 3.44M
Last: 0.129 ▲ +0.009 (+7.50%)
Volume: 2,356,512
Dollar Volume: $306,526
Open: 0.132
High: 0.145
Low: 0.106
Trades: 325
Authorized: 100,000,000
Issued and Outstanding: 26,668,952
1st Support Level: 0.1083
2nd Support Level: 0.0877
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If punch pulling is what you’re looking for when it comes to why you shouldn’t trade Psycho alerts like TEGY stock, you have come to the wrong place. Known for taking company’s, like Transact Energy Corp., with good business models, small floats and/or share structures, and unleashing them onto their subscribers which have virtually no chance of profiting the pattern of traders losing money off of them has become so “in your face” that it’s time to call a spade a spade.
See for yourself: Search the term “Psycho” on this site. While it is sometimes used for it’s true meaning, it mainly refers to the penny stock picks issued by pennystockalerts.com and dailypennystocks.com.
Transact Energy’s proposed products from their planned proprietary waste processing plant in Scotland will be electricity, carbon credits, liquid petroleum gas, green fuels, carbon black, recycled steel and nylon. These will be the first emissions free Energy from Waste plants capable of processing waste in a cost effective manner. Sounds good so far.
In order to make this happen, Transact is in obvious need of funds having had just $31 in the bank as of December 31, 2012 and with a pre-construction budget for each plant, with operating subsidy, of approximately $105 million. However, then once you look into the Director’s of the Company deeper, it’s clear to see that Roderick Bartlett, CEO, President and Director of Transact, has had his run at money grabs before while being involved with Convergitech, Inc. and S2C Global Systems, Inc. (STWG) back in 2008 (see here).
Back then, Roderick went by Rod and Convergitech Inc. was said to be representing technologies that can harvest and bottle water from the air.
Be it as it may, TEGY stock goes down as the umteenth penny stock pick issued by Psycho’s pennystockalerts.com and dailypennystocks.com which grabbed boat loads of cash off of traders while offering them nothing more than wishes to have gotten in earlier than their entry point. Try and try again, as long as novices traders continue to limit their exposure to finding good penny stocks to play, this cycle seems like it won’t be going away too soon.
About TEGY Stock
Transact Energy Corp. is focused around bringing the first TransAct Energy from Waste municipal scale plant into operation in Scotland.
Click here to view the SEC filings for TEGY.
Click here to view the website for Transact Energy.
Last 5 Trading Sessions:
Date | Last | Change | % Change | Volume |
04/18/13 | 0.1200 | +0.0700 | +140.00% | 5,073,800 |
04/12/13 | 0.0500 | unch | unch | 1,500 |
04/11/13 | 0.0500 | unch | unch | 1,600 |
04/09/13 | 0.0500 | unch | unch | 29,000 |
04/04/13 | 0.0500 | unch | unch | 2,000 |

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Bottom Line:
If your holding a huge block of shares in a well-structured penny stock, coupled with a budget of around $400K to spend, hiring Psycho to get your shares dumped into the bags of unbeknwonst traders is the best way to go. TEGY stock is the latest of a long stream of the exact same trading pattern which does one thing and one thing only – gap and peak so high from the previous close that so many traders not willing to do a lick of research are losing money on. (Yeah, I said and what?) TEGY stock will be under 0.04 before lunch is digested on Monday.
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