They say July is the slowest month for trading penny stocks and volume has proven that theory to be true. Even with the historically low month, shares of That Marketing Solution Inc. (OTCQB: TSTS) survived a week of promotional activity, providing those who bought into the concept gains of almost 90% since it started July 22. Having exhausted the outlets for getting the word out on TSTS stock, the “Epic” run looks to have ended on Friday and could see a pretty unkosher return back to the high teens during the hottest month of the year.
Find out what other penny stock traders think about $TSTS here: $TSTS
For what it’s worth, That Marketing Solution is doing what they can to make some cash as a developer and marketer of health related products, being owners of the proprietary Aqua V Micellization process. Last month they did say that they officially begun selling Low T Vitamin online which, with the $68,000 order they said they received from Asia, should produce top line numbers finally come Q3.
Alerts began surfacing last week when a compensated program to promote attention to TSTS stock. Unlike the greedy bastard third parties that have been unrelentingly dumping shares on penny stock newsletter providers for the better part of 2015, TSTS shares traded the way they are supposed to trade, increasing ever so slightly on each consecutive trading session.
Those who follow the promoted tickers may take light in knowing that the recent financing deal that That Marketing Solution engaged in was almost anonymous if not for the “copy by e-mail only to” Attn: Lawrence A. Rosenbloom, Esq. The name pops up on some other OTC promoted tickers, three of which are Medican Enterprises, Inc. (MDCN), LabStyle Innovations Corp. (DRIO) and Ubiquity, Inc. (UBIQ).
The last alerts went out Friday pre-market just 2 days after the company announced they received Kosher certification for three products, all manufactured using the TSTS proprietary Aqua V Micellization technology. A whole 3% or so of the U.S. falls in the “kosher” market which, with 3 products using their tech, could be equal to the significance of that $68,000 order done in June. They say no news is good news in certain cases, but in no way is no revenues good revenues, so the recording of their first ever revenues would be a delight for those who really bought into the whole “TSTS Stock for Life” idea.
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