After surviving the penny stock version of an mob-style organized hit last month, Save The World Air Inc. (ZERO), aka STWA, came back with a big GFY! Since their September 25th internet version of a baseball bat attack in the Nevada desert, ZERO stock price has bounced back even stronger from its 0.48 low gaining as much as 191% from yesterday’s HOD. It’s as if the technology is finally starting to make sense to traders — thinner oil costs less to pump which means the AOT™ is the real deal.
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ZERO Stock Chart
Market Cap: 172.14M
Close: 1.34, up 0.11 (8.94%)
Volume: 840,350
Dollar Volume: $1,113,647
High: 1.40
Low: 1.18
Trades: 432
Average Trade Size: 1,945
10 Day Moving Average: 1.01
Ytd Percent Change: 262.16%
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STWA’s AOT™ has been independently verified and tested by the United States Department of Energy, Temple University, The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, and China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau. Each of the studies and tests have independently confirmed the efficacy of AOT™ for a final 90% reduction of viscosity using the commercialized unit that STWA now has in production.
STWA’s AOT™ Test results:
a.) 1st Test 13.5%
b.) 2nd test 40%
c.) 3rd Test 56%
d.) 4th Test China 80%+
About ZERO Stock
Bottom Line: STWA’s ZERO should already be a penny stock you own since our March call on it at .365 — up 267%. Since STWA was attacked by SA so shorts could benefit, ZERO stock has bounced back nearly 200%. Recognize.
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