Epoxy Neohydro Technologies (NHYT) To Your Screen

NHYTLoyal traders who were waiting for a bounce on the penny stock of Neohydro Technologies Corp. (NHYT) may have had to wait until late Friday, but they got it and are excited about next week. Back in May, 2013 when the company agreed to acquire Couponz, Inc., shares of NHYT ran up 500%, from 0.01 to 0.063, over the course of 6 weeks. Although the updating of a Facebook page is unlikely the reason for the reawakening, getting a chance to get shares at 33% the price what accredited investors got some at has some speculating that a repeat could come when the 10-K is filed.

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NHYT, NHYT Stock, NHYT Stock Quote, NHYT Stock Price, NHYT Stock History, David Gasparine, $NHYT, #NHYT, NeoHydro Technologies Corp. , Epoxy App, Epoxy.comNHYT Stock Quote

Market Cap: 1.72M
Last: 0.0104 ▲ +0.0029 (+38.67%)
Volume: 5,591,989
Dollar Volume: $58,471
Open: 0.0074
High: 0.0128
Low: 0.0074
Trades: 118
Authorized: 480,000,000
Issued and Outstanding: 165,358,040
14-Day Rel Strength: 67.96%
1st Resistance Point: 0.013
1st Support Level: 0.0076

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It’s been over 4 months since NeoHydro Technologies updated shareholders about their recent expansion into Burbank, CA with their loyalty program app. Philly’s Best Authentic Cheesesteak & Hoagie shop, Epoxy’s first business in Burbank, California, was set to be the beacon by which small Mom & Pop companies threw $99 a month at the company due to the “overwhelming potential because of the sheer size and number of businesses to branch out into” that are all strategically located near network film studios.

NeoHydro made the announcement one week after they filed their 10-Q for the 3 months ended September 30, 2013. Although the rally NHYT stock had back when David Gasparine, President, brought the Epoxy app into what was the shell of a company that was granted the license from GenesVettes Inc. to distribute the proprietary Green Interactive Hybrid System for motor vehicles including light trucks and sports cars, some interesting notes from that last Q could shed some light on NHYT stock.

During the nine month period ended September 30, 2013, the Company accepted stock subscriptions for 500,000 shares of common stock at $0.03 per share for cash proceeds of $15,000 form a single subscriber. They also accepted stock subscriptions for 566,667 shares of common stock at $0.03 per share for cash proceeds of $17,000 form subscribers.

Revenues for the 3 and 9 months ended September 30, 2013 were only $6,600 and $11,800, respectively, which, although it’s a tick on the board, is far from a reason why any attention would be given to NHYT stock. Then again, since some investor(s) paid 0.03 for what’s now a 0.0104 penny stock, this alone is cause for alarm to Epoxy NHYT to the watch list and see what the 10-K looks like when it’s filed.

NHYT, NHYT Stock, NHYT Stock Quote, NHYT Stock Price, NHYT Stock History, David Gasparine, $NHYT, #NHYT, NeoHydro Technologies Corp. , Epoxy App, Epoxy.com

About NHYT Stock

Neohydro Technologies Corp., through their wholly owned subsidiary Couponz, Inc., is an emerging growth company operating as the developer of Epoxy app, an application or “app” for iPhone iOS and Android operating systems designed and created to conveniently connect business owners and consumers in order to ease marketing frustrations.

Click here to view the SEC filings for NHYT.
Click here to view the website for Epoxy.

Last 5 Trading Sessions:

Date Open High Low Last Change % Change Volume
04/11/14 0.0074 0.0128 0.0074 0.0104 +0.0029 +38.67% 5,591,900
04/10/14 0.0061 0.0075 0.0061 0.0075 unch unch 26,300
04/09/14 0.0065 0.0075 0.0061 0.0075 +0.0001 +1.35% 191,800
04/08/14 0.0070 0.0074 0.0065 0.0074 unch unch 95,000
04/07/14 0.0070 0.0075 0.0070 0.0074 -0.0001 -1.33% 78,000


Bottom Line:

Given the fact that NHYT stock didn’t trade until after 2PM Friday and still managed to put up volume that hadn’t been seen since the shares were trading above 0.05 back in July, the open on Monday is sure to have a large number of traders epoxied to their screens. If NHYT could manage to run like it did last summer, there is no question that it could be one of the best non-marijuana penny stocks of the first half of 2014. Perhaps a run to 0.02 is already being a bit over-bullish.

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