Time to load the boat buying penny shares with all the change you have in your left pocket on Green EnviroTech Holdings Corp. (GETH). Coming current with their SEC filings on Friday, buying both a Q and a K in the penny stock Wheel of Fortune, GETH stock, currently at 0.0156, is worth a shot if your willing to risk less than what the trade costs you. Having had surges in share volume equal to roughly $75,000 in dollar volume, the current filings are evidence that the cardboard rocket ship next to the lemonade stand is about to go into orbit.
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GETH Stock Structure
Market Cap: 1.04M
Shares Outstanding: 200,833,233
Float: I like mine Root Beer
Authorized Shares: 250,000,000
10 Day History
Percent Change: -17.89%
Moving Average: 0.0182
Average Volume: 44,056
The good news is two-fold: They are current with their SEC filings and they can’t really dilute their shares much more than 80% of the authorized. Skepticism still surrounds the company’s lack of follow-ups from various tweets such as the one claiming they were headed to China to finalize an equipment order two months ago (see here) and another one from last weekend claiming sites were under review for their first plant. (see here)
The bad news is unlimited. Green EnviroTech Holdings has booked $1,950 since its inception: October 6, 2008. My youngest has collected more than that since then from the tooth fairy. They have issued more than half of the shares outstanding in notes payable and loan conversions to stock as well as in exchange for services. Converting tires to oil to sell to oil production companies is not rocket science when you have the facilities, equipment, cash to hire employees, contracts from oil production companies to buy the oil produced, a red paper clip and a stick in the shape of the letter “Q”.
About GETH Stock
Green EnviroTech Holdings Corp. is a development stage plastics recovery, separation, cleaning, and recycling company. We intend to supply recycled commercial plastics to industries such as the automotive and consumer products industries, and plan to construct large-scale plastics recycling facilities near automotive shredder locations nationwide. Operating with large national metal recycling partners, the Company, using a patent-pending process developed in conjunction with Thar Process, Inc., and Ergonomy LLC, will produce recycled commercial grade plastics ready to be re-introduced into commerce.
Bottom Line: GETH – igh is what you need to do if you plan to buy this penny stock on the basis that the Company will turn a profit one day before the next Mayan calendar expires. Kinda sucks because the idea of converting all those useless tires into something other than a rope swing is actually something that could both clean up the environment and make some easy cash.
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