Green Energy Penny Stock To Watch: Sauer Energy (SENY)

Green energy penny stock Sauer Energy, Inc. (OTCBBSENY.OB), a developer of home and enterprise scale vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) systems, was awarded on February 23, 2012the most coveted and prestigious “Project of the Year” award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Buenaventura Section, at the 2012 National Engineers Week Awards Banquet held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. The award is given to the company that has demonstrated technological achievement in engineering innovation development and promise.

We are truly grateful for their recognition of our accomplishment and appreciation of our vision. It is a great honor to be acknowledged by the highly respected IEEE and to have been chosen for the Project of the Year. It was with great pride that we accepted the award as a team. Without hard work and dedication, none of this would have been a reality,” stated Dieter Sauer, CEO and President of Sauer Energy.

Sauer Energy plans to participate in tandem with the IEEE in their educational program to demonstrate innovation technology to junior high school and high school students later this year. The idea is to inspire these bright young minds to become our future innovators and show them that it is an attainable goal for them.

Background Information

In October 2011, Sauer Energy participated in the IEEE Energy Efficiency Symposium. The WindCharger was received enthusiastically by the attendees, due to its innovative design and approach to renewable energy for individuals.

The WindCharger addresses the challenging issues of adapting renewable energy use for the homeowner. The WindCharger™ takes the guesswork out of the equation of renewable energy for the individual with its quick start roof mounted installation, maximum wind-capture design, affordability and planet friendly methodology. Upon installation and provided there is wind, the WindCharger™ can start producing electricity to offset the expense of electricity from the grid. At the same time, that will lessen dependence on fossil fuels and lower the CO2 emissions. It’s a win-win with wind energy.

We have studied and simplified the adaptation of wind energy use for a single family home or small building. We plan to apply our technology wherever it is relevant. The benefit to our planet is our ultimate goal. There is power in numbers,” Dieter Sauer further stated.

SENY 3 Month Stock Chart:

About the IEEE

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is a non-profit professional association that is dedicated to the advancement of technological innovation and excellence. The Society has over 400,000 members worldwide. IEEE recognizes contributions that advance the fields of interest to technical professionals whose exceptional achievements have made a lasting impact on society and the engineering profession.

The IEEE provides learning opportunities within engineering sciences, research and technology. The goal of the IEEE educational program is to ensure the growth of skill and knowledge through its commitment to continuing education among engineering and scientific communities, thus encouraging innovation and access to cutting-edge information.

About Sauer Energy

Sauer Energy is a technology developer and manufacturer focused on the emerging renewable energy market. We believe that because it requires few parts, SEI’s technology, which provides a new direction for wind capture, will easily scale from residential to small community and up to large industrial scale. The market opportunity for a new, innovative technology is unlimited.

Sauer Energy has created the WindCharger model to provide a better solution for the use of wind capture for residential or small building use. The WindCharger is one of Sauer Energy’s key innovation priorities. With several patents in place and many more pending, SEI is engaged in manufacturing and commercialization now, and plans to see a financial return on its investments.

Source: Marketwire

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