Stevia penny stocks have proven to profitable this year, but no Awesome Penny Stocks have ever had the ability Global Stevia Corp. (GSTV) does. Formerly known as Guru Health (GRUH), GSTV stock is primed and ready for the pump of its life, the end of the summer promo, with their announcement of an EU subsidiary as part of its European stevia expansion.
If you lost faith and thought that Awesome Penny Stocks no longer existed due to AQNM, HSTC, or VLNX – get that pipe back out of the drawer cause it’s almost time to stuff it with some dry leaf stevia.
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GSTV Stock Price
Last: 0.5858
Authorized: 975,000,000
Issued and Outstanding: 59,800,000 as of July 10, 2012
Matthew Christopherson, the 30 year old President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer, Treasurer, and Director of Global Stevia Corp., held 33,800,000, 56.5 % of the issued and outstanding shares of our common stock as of July 10, 2012. Since their last Q filed was for the three months ended February 29, 2012, GSTV is late and has yet to file an NT 10-Q or Q for the 3 months ended May 31, 2012. This matters only because APS wouldn’t want another “skull and crossbones” next to their promo pick like they had with North Springs Resources (NSRS). God forbid how devastating that was since the stock only went from 0.23 to $1.72 during the time they ran it.
Late last night, Global Stevia announced their EU phase was ready for action in advance of their cultivation of a sellable product from their acquisition of Stevia Global Vietnam which currently has no production capabilities or farm land. With operations in both Vietnam and Spain, it now makes sense why Mr_MattyC was in the “Costa del Crime” sipping on vino just a few weeks ago.
Investors looking to buy GSTV stock are likely to see one of three things:
The recently filed 8-K which details the Company’s plans and outline,
The Investor Presentation on the GSTV website, or
The Hard Mailers which are likely to be landing in mailboxes any day.
What you have privy to is the due diligence we uncovered two months ago on GSTV stock and the insider connections when it was fresh and new as GRUH. Is GSTV a scam or is it really set out to develop Global Stevia and their Global Stevia Vietnam headquarters to infiltrate the stevia markets with their cutting edge agronomics and plant bleeding? If you base your investment decision on that, then you don’t know what Awesome Penny Stocks are.
About GSTV Stock
Global Stevia is focused on investing in cutting-edge agronomic R&D, developing state-of-the-art propagation techniques and pioneering new cultivation processes, securing elite stevia plant varieties and post-harvest techniques to create significant competitive advantage in the industry.
Click here to view the SEC filings for GSTV.
Bottom Line: Get GSTV on your strike list of penny stocks to watch and be prepared to pick yourself off the APS carpet bag you were led to believe in with VLNX and HSTC. When APS rolls, crack bunny traders come out from all corners of the world to claim how they are so happy and excited to see that they are a part of the Awesome Penny Stocks brigade.
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