SAFC | Psychotic Events Crush SafeCode Drug Technologies

While many of our readers caught our alert on Livewire Ergongenics Inc. (LVVV) and got themselves some .09’s and .11’s just after the open, the real story today on the OTC Markets is how a psychotic website was paid enough money to put himself in the tax bracket Obama is targeting and pulled his pick because it wasn’t performing well.

Traders who jumped into the penny stock alerts on SafeCode Drug Technologies Corp. (SAFC) as soon as the market opened lost more than their shirts today. The email dissemination worth $225,000 seems psychotic for a one day awareness campaign, especially when the  newsletter pulled the SAFC stock pick shortly after the open. Perhaps since the gap was only up 20% and not the standard 5,000% which crashes after 10 minutes of play, a fist of fury was stuck in the rear door of a lot of people who got involved.

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SAFC Stock Chart

Market Cap: 4.95M
Last: 0.099, down 0.001 (-1.00%)
Volume: 6,465,793
Dollar Volume: $1,231,592
High: 0.335
Low: 0.092
Trades: 1,268
Average Trade Size: 5,099
Authorized: 200,000,000
Issued and Outstanding: 50,000,000

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Stating “For now I urge you to use caution on the play I just sent out,” the reputation built up of the summer with huge gap up,10 minute gainers was just crushed like a kick in the nuts. While the balls were still there to state “It is still up triple digits from the opening price as I send this,” it is unheard of to charge more than 10 times the average price for an awareness campaign and pull your pick like some punk kid who owns the ball onthe court.

But hey, SAFC stock and the shareholders are the ones who really got crushed today. With all the awareness campaigns currently in play and the fact that anyone who passed by this site since last night and until an hour into today’s trading session saw how bullish we were on LVVV. So if you got hammered on SAFC stock today and wish you never followed the psycho and his pick, chances are you can make that loss up in the next few trading sessions. Just learn from your mistake.

About SAFC Stock

SafeCode Drug Technologies Corporation is the developer of a patent-pending voice recognition technology that provides an essential degree of security that can effectively prevent unauthorized administration of a prescription medication. Click here to view the SEC filings for SAFC.

Last 4 Trading Sessions:

Date Last Change % Change Volume
12/05/12 0.1000 -0.0010 -0.99% 111,100
12/04/12 0.1010 -0.0140 -12.17% 4,900
12/03/12 0.1150 -0.0350 -23.33% 1,600
11/30/12 0.1500 unch unch 8,600

Bottom Line: Today’s move by the penny stock alerts issuer of SAFC stock was pathetic and deserved of a proper reaming. For $225,000, they should have forced him to cold call all the subscribers and apologize personally.

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