In less than 3 hours, traders will find out if we were right (again) about which penny stock Awesome Penny Stocks will be picking for their next short-term pump and dump. Since we brought attention to African Copper Corp. (ACCS) last week, traders who saw the sudden volume surge and short-term panic were able to grab shares for as low as 0.067. Having run for nearly a triple, 268%, already based on the possible rumor of ACCS stock being their next pick, pre-market activity will be the tell-tale sign as to whether its time to dump and run or time to say “gosh darnit, why didn’t I ….”
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ACCS Stock Quote
Market Cap: 28.50M
Friday Close: 0.15 ▲ +0.001 (+0.67%)
Volume: 7,207,000
Dollar Volume: $1,372,134
Open: 0.155
High: 0.2470
Low: 0.1370
Trades: 846
Authorized: 950 million
Issued and Outstanding: 190 million
1st Resistance Point: 0.219
1st Support Level: 0.109
Andrew Stone: 100 million
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When we first profiled African Copper, it was the night we uncovered that alerts were already being sent out on the Berlin Stock Exchange registered version of ACCS stock, N3T. Alerts were issued from the website, (the German version of, one of the most recently acquired domains by the AwesomePennyStocks group). As soon as the website for the wannabe copper miner went live and news began to flow, the share price came crashing down and traders willing to take a leap of faith jumped on it like white on rice.
African Copper announced that they had reached, not signed, a LOI to grab a 2nd group of mineral leases in the Kalahari Copperbelt region of Botswana, Africa to add on to their already existing land they acquired from Guerrero Exploration Inc. a little more than a month ago. The new “Bonnyridge Property” extends from Zambia through Botswana and into Namibia which has been known to be home to world-class, producing copper mines and broad exploration activities meant to expand the zone’s defined resource potential.
On Wednesday, African Copper signed said LOI and traders began to take advantage of the probability that ACCS stock is the one that the group will be announcing today.
Having had a tiny little run already which would have allowed traders to drop $1,000 for a possibility of $2,680 in maximum sustained gains so far, the opening bell and pre-market will be the indicator that everyone wants to have for confirmation. Seeing Friday’s volume trade pre-market is a clear sign, just like seeing the ask above 0.20. Anyone waiting to receive an actual email confirmation from anyone of the Awesome Penny Stocks affiliate sites will be able to be sure to have the chance to trade flat just 2 weeks before the Memorial Day holiday.
Our guess is that the timing was all too coordinated for all the actions of last week to not be a clear sign that ACCS stock is the pay of the next week plus for the group. IF ACCS isn’t the play as we already are 99.9999% sure it is, the website, news and ticker change are all for nothing as African Copper will get the official “RARS” award and see no attention at all until it hits 0.05 or less.
About ACCS Stock
African Copper Corporation is an exploration stage enterprise engaged in the business of exploration of precious metals with a focus on the exploration and development of copper and other precious metals deposits in northwestern Botswana, Africa.
Click here to view the SEC filings for ACCS.
Click here to view the website for African Copper.
Last 5 Trading Sessions:
Date | Last | Change | % Change | Volume |
05/09/13 | 0.1490 | +0.0391 | +35.58% | 2,574,300 |
05/08/13 | 0.1099 | +0.0089 | +8.81% | 4,545,200 |
05/07/13 | 0.1010 | -0.2990 | -74.75% | 7,881,100 |
05/06/13 | 0.4000 | +0.1018 | +34.14% | 87,000 |
05/03/13 | 0.2980 | +0.0030 | +1.08% | 155,500 |

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Bottom Line:
Have ACCS stock on your pre-market list of penny stocks to watch and prepare to see that we were right all along. If there’s isn’t significant volume traded on ACCS as of the opening bell that is well beyond the last 5 trading sessions, then that 0.00001% chance of being wrong is the case.
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