One year ago this Thursday, The dynamic duo of GroveWare Technologies Inc. (GROV) got 7.5 million shares, and control, of GWBU from Peter Evan Bell. The Achkarian-Boyes team was at it again this week as GROV stock hit the streets running, trading 1,594,800 shares this week and gaining nearly 100% from the share dump on Monday. This is when speculators make moves on pre-promotions and this is sure starting to look more and more like the booger that is about to be picked.
GROV stock was 0.255 when we issued our alerts on the 6th. (see here)
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GROV Stock Chart
Shares Authorized: 500,000,000
Shares Outstanding: 307,500,000
Float: 102,500,000
Insider: Hrair Achkarian, 200,000,000 (see here)
The penny stock closed at 0.324 on Friday. Having never had volume of over 400 shares in a day, and only 700 shares total volume before Monday, its peculiar how this connects to the last AwesomePennyStocks promo on the eve of the new pick. Penny Stock Parlay and a couple other smaller groups sent out all last week on GROV which could very likely have been a test of the trading ability of the shares. With the majority of the 1.6 million, 1,105,760, having been traded on Monday the 6th.
AGD History
In a Share Purchase Agreement, Hrair Achkarian and W. Scott Boyes took over Great Wall Builders on August 16th, 2011, becoming the board of directors of when their 100 shares of GROV stock, 100% of the issued shares, was exchanged for seven million five hundred thousand newly-issued shares of GWBU, 77.32% of the issued and outstanding shares of GWBU immediately after the closing. (see here) Although they departed from Great Wall Builders so that the pump could focus on the fuel efficiency technology which APS pumped through Italy, the duo remained in tact and reversed into another shell just before the SNPK crash.
Could it just be that Awesome Penny Stocks would revert back to the AGD of Achkarian and Boyes with their standard protocol:
• Reverse Merger: April 6, 2012
• Authorized Share Increase: May 14, 2012; 100,000,000 to 500,000,000
• Forward Stock Split: May 14, 2012; 50-to-1
• Share Dump: August 6, 2012
Unless you live in a cardboard box, Get GROV on your list of speculative picks for the APS promo.
About GROV Stock
GroveWare Technologies Ltd. claims to be one of North America’s leading providers of mobile solutions to enterprise, connecting workforces by mobile device to a wide selection of ERP systems and helping American businesses and institutions to enhance productivity and improve profitability by mobilizing and automating business processes. GroveWare’s showcase software, MobiTask, is a wireless client application compatible with all smartphones and tablets including: iPhone®, iPad®, BlackBerry®, PlayBook™, and all devices using the Android™ or Windows Mobile® wireless platforms.
To view the SEC filings for GROV, click here.
Bottom Line: GROV stock just went to the top of the list of penny stocks that Awesome Penny Stocks is likely to choose as their pick for August. There is no doubt that something is going to take place with GROV this week.
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