Penny Stock Trading | LVVV And PFNI Survive SVEN And PBCW

PumpThe two remaining “big money” promos out there now that the pump and dump of Superior Ventures (SVEN) and Pub Crawl Holdings (PBCW) have crashed like meteors are still plugging away at gains. Shares of Livewire Ergogenics Inc. (LVVV) are still pumped off their energy chews having gained Continue Reading →


PFNI | The Stars Are Aligning For Psychic Friends Network

PFNI Stock, PFNI scam, Psychic Friends Network Inc., The Authority on the Stock Market appears to have scored the big one with penny stock alerts issued on Psychic Friends Network Inc. (PFNI). Since the volume surge began on Tuesday, the incredibly small public float of PFNI stock has been gobbled up with some big buy orders being knocked back in their attempts ...

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PFNI | Predictions Are Out On Psychic Friends Network Stock

PFNI Stock, PFNI scam, Psychic Friends Network Inc., The much anticipated email alerts of SMA’s new pick were released midday and it could possibly be the worst penny stock ever: Psychic Friends Network Inc. (OTC:PFNI). Whether the crystal ball had a crack in it or what, the mere fact that the Company is trying, according to PR from over a month ago, to reestablish itself ...

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