Top 10 Penny Stocks | It Truly Is March Madness Already

GNIN, SWVI, BCCI, REDG, TEWI, MJNA, HKTU, APPA, IDNG, JALAWhat a heck of a way to end the first trading week of March. Despite the fact that the OTC markets are still being led by the recovery of bamboo based toilet paper pushers, Green Innovations Ltd. (GNIN), AwesomePennyStocks has finally pulled down the banner for their pick of the month from February, Swingplane Ventures, Inc. (SWVI). Their affiliate dealt with getting attacked by a desk trader on their pick, Red Giant Entertainment, Inc. (REDG) had the best ever Friday bounce for a pump and dump. But, best of all, confirmation that the ice cream man is coming has finally been confirmed as Be Active Holdings, Inc. (JALA) not only made a huge appearance, but also launched the campaign we had all been waiting on.

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Top 10 Penny Stocks Traded Friday

Symbol Price % Change $ Volume Share Volume Trades
GNIN 1.82 +5.20% 22,701,133 12,834,993 6,675
SWVI 0.1221 -34.21% 10,669,784 89,442,692 4,710
BCCI 0.05 -19.48% 1,839,442 29,034,931 1,593
REDG 0.09 +9.76% 1,224,473 20,036,545 1,408
TEWI 0.041 -22.64% 828,730 16,169,261 1,250
MJNA 0.283 +0.28% 2,477,898 8,914,401 826
HKTU 0.0066 -17.50% 701,728 81,217,141 616
APPA 0.55 0.00% 2,194,541 3,988,969 562
IDNG 0.0222 -10.48% 243,303 9,518,696 515
JALA 0.1436 +29.17% 720,324 5,014,942 450

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Today’s bounce on the penny stock pick of Victory Mark, REDG, saw what could have been the most bullish bounce ever for a Friday after being brutally attacked with a stick on Thursday.  REDG stock got crushed Thursday, reportedly by a desk trader out of  Delaney Equity Group, LLC.

A mid morning email from the group was able to, well, just imagine if the doll in the image was REDG stock:

GNIN, SWVI, BCCI, REDG, TEWI, MJNA, HKTU, APPA, IDNG, JALA, top 10 penny stocks, top 10 OTC stocks, OTC Stock picks, penny stock picks, hot penny stocks, hot OTC stocks, most traded penny stocks,most traded OTC stocks, AwesomePennyStocks, Awesome Penny Stocks, Marijuana Stocks, Swingplane Ventures, make $1 million trading penny stocks, GNIN stock, SWVI stock, BCCI stock, REDG stock, TEWI stock, MJNA stock, HKTU stock, APPA stock, IDNG stock, JALA stock,Green Innovations Ltd.,Red Giant Entertainment,Be Active Holdings,Delaney Equity Group LLC,Baristas Coffee

On to a newer opportunity….

For weeks we have telling people about JALA stock and why it should have been accumulated to the highest level. Well, today that speculation was confirmed in a big way and traders in on Be Active Holdings stock are going to be milking the market for profits and not in any “Skinny Cow” way.

The recently “live” EMAILER (see here) states it as clearly as we have been saying:


• JALA has management with a proven track record. They built up Skinny Cow and sold it to Nestle.
• JALA is only currently on the east coast in select stores. With a west coast full expansion just imagine how high the stock could go.
• With JALA trading at these undervalued prices just imagine the profits you can maximize if you act fast!
• JALA is currently way below its target price of $1.47, with a the stock price so low currently just imagine the potential upside.

Just look at how JALA stock traded this week:

Date Last Change % Change Volume
03/08/13 0.1550 +0.0350 +29.17% 5,915,042
03/07/13 0.1200 +0.0040 +3.45% 414,500
03/06/13 0.1160 -0.0025 -2.11% 650,200
03/05/13 0.1185 +0.0075 +6.76% 513,900
03/04/13 0.1110 unch unch 589,900


On another opportunistic subject of “When the heck is SMA announcing”, the week’s activity on their old pick from last spring, Independence Energy, put out news to start the week and had a huge 300% win right off the bat. More important than how IDNG stock traded, many are thinking the week long circuit run of the old pump was so that funds could be accumulated to run PPC ads on an upcoming alert.

Known for taking stocks like IDNG and SANP for well supported, big money triple-digit gains, the first pick of the group this year will surely be a delight to see and traders to profit from.

Misleading uplisting announcements by Baristas Coffee (BCCI), old Marijuana stocks that are less high than they were but still on fire, and the end of the clear your throat penny stock promotion of HKTU, March madness is in full effect and next week is going to be a wild one separating the traders from those who only know how to play the big money promotions.

Bottom Line: Trading penny stocks and illegally downloading the Miss Teen Delaware porn video: two things that the greedy, trigger happy Wall Street fat cat traders who need profitable intraday gains and the beer-bellied, high school drop-out trailer park dweller both have in common for their afternoon delights. How can you not love penny stocks in March!?

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