Chances are that if you remember Vision Plasma Systems Inc. (VLNX), you were likely one of the traders fleeced by Awesome Penny Stocks on August. Today’s PR issued of a land donation worth $5 million from the Institute for the Development of Londrina, Brazil isn’t going to bring VLNX stock back to life anytime soon. However, some of the connections from within that we warned traders about on that sad day when nearly $90 million traded, only to be wiped out the following day, may be of some value to you.
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VLNX Stock Chart
Market Cap: 1.39M
Last: 0.0037, up 0.0002 (5.71%)
Volume: 2,210,542
High: 0.0038
Low: 0.0033
Trades: 20
Average Trade Size: 110,527
Authorized: 500,000,000
Issued and Outstanding: too many
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Back on August 16th, when Awesome Penny Stocks first caught traders off guard with their paid subscription service early alert system, VLNX stock ran that day from 0.135 to as high as 0.394 before closing at 0.2944. The gains available in the trading session were as high as 191.85% after the long awaited pick bagged $89,322,621 in dollar volume, 308,266,651 in share volume, and 8,876 executed trades.
That day, Vision Plasma Systems issued news of two of their Arc Master I Units having been agreed to be purchased by a Japanese firm to clean up the Fukushima Nuclear Facility, at a cost of $5.8 Million per unit. Today’s land deal that was given to them seems to have hit the number they look for — $5 million.
However, if you made it this far into the article, you deserve to see the real purpose of it.
Vision Plasma Systems was set up, cleaned up, signed off on, whatever, by Bryan Clark, Esq. of Cane Clark LLP who also helped to do the same for Global Karaoke Network Inc. (GKNI). Well it appears that another Company is now on the list to watch and wait for the colossal Fake APS trading day: AAA Energy Inc. (AAAE).
AAAE stock has been moving for the past few sessions, right around the time when it was noticed that Bryan Clark took over the shell corp. (see here) At around the same time, Bespoke Tricycles, Inc., with the assistance of Cane Clark Agency, LLC, has filed an S-1 with the SEC (see here) to start up a business focused on the traditional ‘stop me and buy one’ ice cream tricycles.
Put two and two together and you’ll likely come up with 40 since AAAE has only 100,000,000 authorized shares and is 4 years late in their SEC filings. IF, by chance these two activities coinciding with one another are what some traders vision, $100 of AAAE stock today could be worth Two Hamburgers on a Tuesday some day in the future.
About VLNX Stock
Vision Plasma Systems, Inc. is a designer, developer, and marketer of its proprietary mobile plasma arc gasification unit called the Arc Master I.
Bottom Line: Forget everything about VLNX and do whatever it is possible to make back what was lost on the scam penny stock alert issued on them in August. By doing so, keep a close eye on AAAE. Something tells us that AAAE stock could see some more activity in a few months and is worth keeping on the pre-promo list.
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