If you aren’t puckered up, checking your email inbox every 10 minutes hoping Awesome Penny Stocks sent you a message, you shouldn’t be trading on the OTC. When even Timothy Sykes is instructing his students to refrain from “palm piloting” because it weakens the legs, you know it’s going to be an epic penny stock pick.
If you go to bed dreaming of sugar plums and wake up rushing downstairs to look under the inbox tree for your gift from Belize, hoping you got the pick which is going to end this dull, boring summer trading, then fear not because that day cometh. Actually, its already passed.
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We know two things for sure:
It’s not the AwesomePennyStocks pick until its the Awesome Penny Stocks pick. With their familiar ways of gift-wrapping a lump of coal to be issued from their affiliates, and even sometimes them themselves, verification is as important with their pick as it is in verifying the gender of a good looking woman in Rio de Janeiro. Trust Me.
The other thing we know is that, during the 30-35 trading sessions from when this long awaited pump is unleashed, we will have issued 6 alerts on penny stocks that collectively will have trumped the percentage gains made trading long on the APS pick before they deploy the cement parachute. We did it when NSRS was hot, when SNPK was bursting and while GWBU fluttered like a fish out of water.
However, you didn’t totally waste your time by reading this far. We have uncovered 5 penny stocks, in order of most likely to least likely, that we believe is the APS pick:
GroveWare Technologies Ltd. (GROV), a leading provider of mobile solutions to enterprise and government, connecting workforces by mobile device to a wide selection of back-end systems and helping businesses, institutions and government departments and agencies to enhance productivity and reduce costs by mobilizing and automating business processes. – Probability: 99%
We issued two alerts on August 6th on GROV and followed it already with the connections between GROV and GWBU. If you didn’t get into GROV at under 0.28 already….it’s not our fault.
Global Resource Energy Inc. (GBEN) is a development stage company engaged in the clean technology fuel cell sector with plans to begin developing a prototype MyCroft fuel cell optimized for sequestering heat energy from current solar cell applications. Probability: 75%
Pazoo Inc. (PZOO) provides an online warehouse of competitively priced products and a roster of experts who deliver useful information for achieving a fuller and richer life for both humans and their pets. Probability: 55%
Georgetown Corp. (GTCP), an exploration or exploratory stage company involved in the examination and investigation of land that may contain valuable minerals, through its subsidiary, provides oilfield services and equipment to independent and major oilfield companies in exploration, production and development of oil and gas properties, domestically and in selected international markets. Probability: 45%
Hangover Joe’s (HJOE) is the exclusive producer of The Hangover Recovery Shot, the official licensed product of The Hangover movie and the nation’s Number One selling hangover recovery product. Probability: 15%
Bottom Line: If you really want to be sure which of these penny stocks, if any of them, is the actual APS pick, two choices for you: do the “Bangkok Spread” and dip into each of them, or as they say: “collect, collect, collect, then select”. Or, register with their “Premium” service which will get you a chair at the Branch Davidians version of penny stock alerts. You’ll get the pick likely at 6pm and the rest of the world gets it at 9pm, but all is still good and great and we’re going to penny stock heaven….until it all goes up in flames.
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