Georgetown University was a factory for NBA All-Star Centers like Ewing, Mourning, Mutombo and PG Allen Iverson who was as hot on the court as he was off it. Well, Georgetown Corporation (OTCBB: GTCP) is about to become just as famous, with a shorter career, as one of the hot penny stock picks in the coming days, weeks, months, when the alerts start going out and the share price “peaks” past a $1 plus.
Add GTCP to your list of penny stocks to watch immediately. Until now, GTCP is one of the cheap OTC stocks that hasn’t had any alerts or claims to penny stock picks. First thing noticed is that Georgetown Corp. , a Nevada registered Corporation, was registered via (see here). Think: Sunpeaks Ventures Inc. (OTCBB: SNPK). That’s right; Georgetown Corp. traces directly back to current President and CEO of SNPK, Mackie Barch. Mackie sold the shell company, GTCP, to the new Harry Lappa, D. Melvin Swanson.
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GTCP Stock Chart:
As of May 8th, there are 540 million shares of GTCP common stock issued and outstanding.
Georgetown Corp. was Yukonic Minerals Corp. until January 24th, 2012. On January 10th, the Board of Directors of Yukonic Minerals, i.e. Mackie Barch, authorized a 1:400 forward split of its issued and outstanding common shares. As a result, the issued and outstanding shares increased from 1.35 million shares to 540 million following the forward split (see here). Basic “pump and dump” 101.
Mackie sold his 400 million shares of GTCP for $25 thousand to D. Melvin Swanson (see here), a loss of $358 thousand on his original $383 thousand investment for those very same shares (see here). The Company still owes him roughly $117 thousand which should make it easy to be converted into a Note Payable convertible to common shares.
The Players Behind GTCP Stock
Former President and CEO, Mackie Barch we all know is the current President and CEO of Sunpeaks Ventures (SNPK). The recent pump and dump scam on SNPK stock pretty much negates Barch from being able to be on the corporate docs for the heir-apparent GTCP. His resignation to the the new “patsy,” D. Melvin Swanson makes perfect sense.
D. Melvin Swanson is new to the world it seems, at least the world of the web. You can’t find anything on this guy except the bio created on the 8-K. However, the reference in the bio that mentions Silica is Silica Resources and the attorney that closed the deal for Mackie and Melvin was, none other than, Carrillo Huettel, LLP so the connection is very clear. (see attached pic from From 8-K, EXHIBIT 10.1)
Carrillo Huettel, LLP has been linked to some of the best pump and dump penny stocks seen this century. More reason to think GTCP is going to be a good penny stock pump is the address Melvin used on the 8-K.
The address, 142-108 Elliot Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Y1A 6C4, is a Mail Boxes Etc. on street which is about 2,100 ft long in a city with a population of 22,522 with less than 10,000 dwellings. Not hard to not know a lot of people in such a small town. The same small town that is home to FH Collins High School where both Douglas Roe and Karl Gruber of Oro Quest Inc. graduated high school from together in ’91. The same Oro Quest that sold GTCP the mineral claims for $15 thousand (see here).
Douglas Roe was a seed shareholder for Sunpeaks Ventures through a business entity named CHP Investments. He is also strongly connected to North Springs Resources President and CEO, Harry Lappa, through Global Resource Energy Inc. (Pinksheets: GBEN) and Sunbelt Intl Corp. (Pinksheets: SUNB) where Roe was an officer/director of both. Note: LUXE was changed to SUNB
Melvin says he was the CEO of Panther Consulting for 2 years according to his bio on the 8-K. Funny how Panther Consulting is serving as the Investor Relation firm for Sunbelt Intl Corp. (OTC: SUNB) (see here). The same Sunbelt Intl. that recently had Roe as its Investor Relations person according to their last OTC filing.
Karl Gruber is one of the directors for Silica Resources Corp. (OTCBB: SRCN). The possibility of Melvin’s bio which states he was a member of the advisory board advising the company on corporate risk in emerging markets. Gruber has a long history with APS and Kirk/Skymark companies.
GTCP Stock Market Maker:
According to, the Market Maker for GTCP stock is Spartan Securities Group, LTD (SSG) (CRD #104478, Clearwater, Florida)
SSG submitted a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent in which SSG was censured, fined $52,500 and required to revise its Written Supervisory Procedures regarding its:
• supervisory system, procedures and qualifications;
• order handling; best execution;
• anti-intimidation/coordination;
• trade reporting;
• short sale transactions;
• other trading rules;
• books and records;
• the Sub-Penny Rule; and
• review for compliance of incoming, outgoing and internal electronic communications
Without admitting or denying the findings, SSG consented to the described sanctions and to the entry of findings that it executed short sale transactions in reportable securities and failed to report each of the transactions to the FINRA/NASDAQ Trade Reporting Facility® (FNTRF) with the correct symbol indicating whether the transaction was a short sale or a short sale exempt transaction and reported some short sales as long to the FNTRF. (FINRA Case #2009017008302)
GTCP Financials:
Perfectly matching the most recent 10-Q filings of both NSRS and SNPK prior to their pump, Georgetown Corp.’s cash on hand and current assets for the quarter ended of $0 compared to $532 for the prior quarter ended September 30, 2011 as were revenues; $0.
About GTCP:
Gerogetown Corp. (formerly Yukonic Minerals Corp.) is an Exploration Stage Company with a principal business plan to acquire, explore and develop mineral properties and ultimately seek earnings by exploiting mineral claims. Georgetown Corp. has not generated any revenue to date. What business plan to go with when the pitch comes out and stock alerts start flowing makes no difference.
Bottom Line: The penny stock of Georgetown Corp., GTCP, needs to be on your radar because it WILL get pumped. Will it happen tomorrow? Next week? When the moon is in line with Pluto? Right now, its all speculation as to WHEN, but the IF is more likely to occur sooner rather than later.
As always, treat GCPT stock like any other pump and dump: trade responsibly. Stop Loss orders will not save you when the dump comes so trying to catch the high is a fool’s game. Considering the FINRA recent actions against GCPT‘s market maker, there is no shot you’re getting out at the high so DON’T BE GREEDY.
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