Victory Mark Returns With Revolutionary Concepts (REVO)

The old Awesome Penny Stocks affiliates over at Victory Mark have emerged once again and this time with alerts issued on the sub-penny stock of Revolutionary Concepts, Inc. (REVO). Bursting onto the scene in the midst of a sea of red tickers late this morning, REVO stock had just 472,500 shares traded as of 11:19AM and was still floundering under 0.008, the lowest its been since it ran from 0.0018 to 0.0335 for gains worth 1,765% in early February. Trying to see if their once multi-million dollar subscriber list is still worth anything, the verdict is officially in – R.I.P. Victory Mark.

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REVO, REVO Stock, REVO Stock Chart, REVO Stock Quote, REVO Stock Price, REVO Stock Promotion, REVO Stock Pump, $REVO, #REVO,Victory Mark, Awesome Penny Stocks, Revolutionary Concepts Inc., REVO Stock Quote

Market Cap:
Last: 0.009 ▲ +0.0007 (+8.43%)
Volume: 14,570,490
Dollar Volume: $133,385
Open: 0.008
High: 0.0107
Low: 0.0076
Trades: 163
14-Day RSI: 49.79%
1st Resistance Point: 0.0105
1st Support Level: 0.0074
52Wk High: 0.0335
52Wk Low: 0.0009

For such an amazing technology company that is set to redesign the way smartphone users take pictures or use their cameras by way of Revolutionary Concepts’ “EyeTalk®”, you might think keeping their RSS news feed on their website so that prospective investors wouldn’t see that the last news update was from January, 2013. From their recent PR issued on March 26, 2014, it appears that the mini tech company is lowering their standards as far as age targets and are going after the kids, but without the van with no windows or the promise of candy inside of it.

If this is ever achieved, getting “EyeTalk®” into the hands of children via toys and other gadgets, it in and of itself will be one of the most incredible Revolutionary Concepts to take place in the tech world considering the Company ended its 2nd consecutive year with absolutely no cash, $0, and no current assets to speak of. While cash has been non-existent from the annual reports, the word “promissory notes” is not as evidenced in the current liabilities increase from $1,507,913 as of December 31, 2012 to $3,731,261 as of December 31, 2013.

In the most recent PR issued, Ron Carter, President & CEO, states, “Manufacturers such as Mattel and Fisher Price have already begun to offer toy products with smart devices. Mattel’s ‘Apptivity Toys’ rely on the same smartphone and tablet devices that could facilitate REVO’s patented technology allowing for advanced interaction with the child. Our advanced technology goes on to integrate the technology into an actual toy product offering customized communication options using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth partnered with cloud based applications in a manner that could foster a two way interaction with a child’s favorite television or movie character.”

If Mattel even knows that Revolutionary Concepts exists at all, REVO shares wouldn’t be anywhere near where they are right now. In a PR issued back on March 19 of this year, the Company was forecasting $20 to $30 million in total estimated annual revenues from residual licensing fees and royalties from their “EyeTalk®”. If they were to even do $20 to $30 in revenues this year, that alone would be a Revolutionary Concept.

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About REVO Stock

Revolutionary Concepts, Inc. is a development stage company planning to brand its smart technology “EyeTalk®” which will will provide users the ability to remotely and interactively monitor, manage and communicate through a smart camera designed to interface with IPhone, Androids and other smart devices.

Click here to view the SEC filings for REVO.
Click here to view the website for Revolutionary Concepts.

Authorized: 1,000,000,000
Issued and Outstanding: 647,796,993

Last 5 Trading Sessions:

Date Open High Low Last Change % Change Volume
05/07/14 0.0080 0.0107 0.0076 0.0090 +0.0007 +8.43% 14,570,490
05/06/14 0.0080 0.0085 0.0079 0.0083 +0.0004 +5.06% 1,728,800
05/05/14 0.0081 0.0084 0.0070 0.0079 -0.0005 -5.95% 3,998,700
05/02/14 0.0094 0.0099 0.0080 0.0084 -0.0015 -15.15% 4,374,500
05/01/14 0.0099 0.0099 0.0091 0.0099 unch unch 327,800


Bottom Line:

The alerts on REVO stock by Victory Mark are nothing more than a test to see if their list of subscribers from when they were running The penny stocks along side Awesome Penny Stocks is still any good. From the looks of it, 50% or more of the volume came from traders whose scanners caught the volume jump rather than the alert recipients on the Victory Mark groups list of sites. Seeing as how REVO stock has been pretty much rang bound since that enormous jump back in February, it will be interesting to see how this plays out come tonight to see if any follow up emails get circulated.
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