Finally! Awesome Penny Stocks has pulled their banner down meaning the mop up work on Xumanii Inc. (XUII) is down, allowing their affiliate sites run by Victory Mark to move on to push the one we had APS pegged for a month ago: African Copper Corporation (ACCS). Blowing out over 48 million shares of ACCS stock within the first 30 minutes of trading, savvy traders are already positioned to exit out prior to the first “lawsuit” alert being issued. With news having been issued 2 hours prior to the opening bell, getting in and out before the end of the day “lawsuit” PR is issued is probably the only way to play it safe on this POS.
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ACCS Stock Quote
Market Cap: 146.53M
Last: 0.182 ▲ +0.047 (+34.81%)
Volume: 48,591,398
Dollar Volume: $8,056,004
Open: 0.148
High: 0.195
Low: 0.146
Trades: 1,707
Authorized: 950,000,000
Issued and Outstanding: 190,000,000
14-Day Rel Strength: 58.14%
14-Day Stochastic: 93.75%
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News today, the first issued in over a month by African Copper Corp., threw out some spewage about the Company’s projects in the Kalahari Copperbelt in anticipation of an extensive exploration program. Meanwhile, without any confirmation of ACCS stock being the chosen one of the APS affiliates, Victory Mark, traders are elbows and arseholes trying to get orders filled under 0.18.
The PR issued at 7:18AM EST today states details of the LOI African Copper Corp entered into and how the initial lease group under acquisition is identified as the Bonnyridge Property, while the second group under acquisition is identified as the Pinette Property. Both properties will never see a single ounce of any precious metal come from their rock laden landscapes that will ever be booked as revenues for African Copper Corp., but, until ACCS stock joins XUII stock on legal documents filed in San Diego, CA, traders appear more than willing to accept the risk.
Since APS has pulled their banner in support of Xumanii, the pump on XUII stock is officially over – just like we said over a week ago. With the focus now on ACCS, it’s unlikely to see gains of over 100% since Wilson Davis Co. (WDCO) has left the market maker tree.
About ACCS Stock
African Copper Corporation is an exploration stage enterprise engaged in the business of exploration of precious metals with a focus on the exploration and development of copper and other precious metals deposits in northwestern Botswana, Africa.
Click here to view the SEC filings for ACCS.
Click here to view the website for African Copper.
Last 5 Trading Sessions:
Date | Last | Change | % Change | Volume |
06/19/13 | 0.1350 | +0.0150 | +12.50% | 86,200 |
06/18/13 | 0.1200 | -0.0100 | -7.69% | 20,000 |
06/17/13 | 0.1300 | -0.0150 | -10.34% | 28,700 |
06/14/13 | 0.1450 | +0.0150 | +11.54% | 18,700 |
06/13/13 | 0.1300 | unch | unch | 20,900 |

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Bottom Line:
All the DD you could want on ACCS is already posted on this site (see here), but it won’t do much good since Awesome Penny Stocks and their affiliates from Victory Mark end to have a lifeline of their own. For the time being, today that is, ACCS stock is going to be a great flip to trade, especially for those who were in chat and grabbed some shares prior to the 0.17’s showing up. Be aware that a negative PR is likely to hit later on this afternoon which could send chills down the spines of those willing to hold on overnight.
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